The Perfect Resume Template for ICT Professionals to use in Federal Government, Canberra

A bold statement and a big promise!


Can Recruitment Hive back it up and deliver the goods? Here goes!


After twenty years of reading hundreds of thousands of resumes sent to me by Technology Professionals for federal government ICT positions in Canberra, I feel I have something to offer as to how best to put a resume together. Specifically, the ability to design The Perfect Resume Template for ICT Professions to use for federal government Contract applications.


I consider it perfect because it displays information and conveys a technology professional’s career narrative just the way I want to read it. And while we are on the matter of reading, I, and any other time poor Hiring Manager, do not want to be forced to read a resume in great detail during the first assessment of it. A perfect technology resume needs to shout out what an applicant does and what stage in their career they are without any reading at all. The very first thing a perfect resume needs to be able to achieve is to land your application in a shortlisted pile for a position. To do this it requires ten second survivability!

If a decision maker needs to consider 10, 50, 100 application resumes for a position, their initial 10 second scan of a resume will be very cursory. They most likely won’t actually read anything. What they will be doing is asking themselves:


  1. Is this person currently working in a (very) similar position to the one I am seeking to hire for?
  2. How long has this person being working in a similar position?
  3. Does this person have good tenure in positions?
  4. What sort of relevant qualifications does this person hold?


If a decision maker can draw an affirmative conclusion to each of these points a resume gets to graduate into the short list.


Within the first two pages of the perfect resume template there are no long paragraphs of writing. Instead, there are separate tables to convey the above listed information.


The perfect technology resume template makes it easy for a decision maker to get a strong understanding of what you do, how long you’ve done it for and the qualifications you have, without having to read anything in detail. The time and effort you have saved them is already generating goodwill for your application and demonstrates that you have the ability to convey lots of information succinctly without wasting time.


The next thing the perfect resume template does is ensure your application can survive a deep dive by the decision maker. While the first two of pages the perfect resume bombards the decision maker with information that they can receive, collate and form an impression from effortlessly, the subsequent pages of the perfect resume describe recent roles in more detail and link the technologies listed in the skills matrix to how they were used on specific projects and within specific industries.



Facts, facts, facts! Passion, passion, passion!


Importantly, the perfect resume template does not allow for fluff. It favours fact. Fluff is an applicant’s own subjective opinion as to how wonderful they are, the perfect resume doesn’t care about subjective opinions.

While fluff is out the window and facts rule supreme, the perfect resume template shines a light on passion. One of the biggest things that Hiring Managers search for in new team members is passion for technology. The perfect resume template will bring out your passion and clearly convey it to a reader.


You will note that Recruitment Hive’s Perfect Resume Template uses no text boxes, style headings, page breaks or any other formatting techniques. Formatting is a plain and vanilla as possible. This is important as many large organisations and recruiters need to add cover pages or other formatting requirements specified by their Clients. The more vanilla the formatting of a resume the easier it is to work with. The easier a resume is to work with the better-will it will generate within each decision maker throughout the recruitment process.


These are just a few of the many techniques deployed within Recruitment Hive’s perfect resumes template. To download you copy of the Perfect Resume Template for technology jobs in Federal Government Canberra,  click here.

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